Daire kapısı

Showa old house indoors

Tatami in a Japanese-style room

Tatami in a Japanese-style room

Tatami in a Japanese-style room

Tatami in a Japanese-style room

Tatami in a Japanese-style room

Tatami in a Japanese-style room

Four and a half tatami beach

Showa old apartment

A room with a chest of drawers beyond the sliding door_diagonal

Interior Hobby space Study

Dairenin interkomu

Leave compensation Employment adjustment subsidy Sustainable benefit application image ④

Ryukyu tatami

Old Municipal Housing

Image of application for leave compensation employment adjustment subsidy ①

Interior Hobby space Study

Municipal housing with conspicuous vacant houses

abandoned empty house

Japanese-style room Shoji and tatami mats Materials that make you feel Japanese culture

Japanese-style room

Dilapidated Municipal Housing with Conspicuous Vacancy


Showa Municipal Housing

Empty closet and Japanese-style room

Aileleri birbirine bağlayan bir oda.

Showa old apartment

Image of application for leave compensation employment adjustment subsidy ⑤

Tokiwa-so (Toshima Ward Tokiwa-so Manga Museum)

Japanese-style room tatami

Showa Nagaya

Japanese-style room with shoji windows

Image of three 10,000 yen bills coming out of an envelope


Sustainable benefits

Showa Municipal Housing

Japanese-style room with nothing (rental housing)

Tatami room

Road in the housing complex

Stacked cushions


Old municipal housing



Loose tatami corner

green pepper cross section

Tatami Japanese room

Loose tatami space 3 tatami


retro kitchen

Tatami mat width

Tatami room Tatami border

vacant house for sale

Tatami mat texture: light

Japanese style room

Sports instructor doing a cross sign

Deepening autumn

Kumquat 1 cut in half

old tatami background

retro kitchen

Sports instructor doing a cross sign

Sports instructor doing a cross sign

Yojohan lighthouse, Yojohan, Hinadan's rocky shore

Tokiwa Sou

Japanese-style room Shoji and tatami mats Material that feels Japanese culture Vertical composition

Slope in the housing complex

Sports instructor doing a cross sign

halved bamboo shoots

halved bamboo shoots

Japanese-style room

Four and a half tatami mats

A small tea room-style Japanese-style room

retro kitchen

White board and checkered cloth, left and right halves of the background material

Watermelon 6


Amakusa City Statue of Shigenari Suzuki who saved Amakusa

Tomioka Castle, Amakusa City Bronze statue of Shigenari Suzuki

Image of gold coins declining

Image of gold coins declining

Tatami mat

Watermelon 7

Quincy melon cut in half

Jogashima / 4.5 tatami mats

Jogashima Four and a half tatami mats

Honsome wake wrasse

6 tatami mats Hina dolls

Playing the folk guitar in a four-and-a-half tatami room

shadow of the tea room

shadow of the tea room

retro kitchen
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