A hilltop apartment block bathed in the setting sun

A hilltop apartment block bathed in the setting sun

A hilltop apartment block bathed in the setting sun

Autumn leaves of burning fu (Taiwanfu)

Exploding autumn leaves of Taiwanfu

Osaka lotus has

Red autumn leaves and blue sky (three colors road)

Deep red maple and bright blue sky (Three Color Road)

Blue sky visible in the autumn leaves (three colors road)

A single tree standing tall in a row of colored leaves

Evening view of the condominium town

Evening view of the condominium area Telephoto toward central Osaka

Sunset sky and silhouette 1

Park in the back light 2

Park dyed in autumn colors 3

Water surface dyed in autumn color 2

Summer evening view of a certain condominium town

Evening view of a certain condominium town

Evening view of a certain condominium town

Summer evening view of the apartment town on the hill

Summer evening view of the condominium town on the hill

Summer evening view of the condominium town on the hill

Cityscape buildings

Winter sky and clouds


A surreal street corner with a soundproof wall

A surreal cityscape with soundproof walls

Autumn Festival Taiko Mikoshi Pilgrimage

Autumn Festival Taiko Mikoshi Pilgrimage

Park road buried in fallen leaves

midwinter cherry blossoms

A surreal street corner with a soundproof wall

Bamboo forest in the city

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry trees

Suburban streets Enlarged view near Senriyamada area

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry trees

After the light snow

Autumn Festival Taiko Mikoshi Pilgrimage

Senri Minami Park in Suita City, Osaka

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry trees

A suburban evening scene

Evening view of a suburban street corner

Evening view of a suburban street corner

Evening view of a suburban street corner

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry trees

Evening view of a suburban apartment district

Evening view of a suburban street corner

Evening view of the apartment district

Evening view of a suburban street corner

Cherry blossom petals stuck to a damp retaining wall

EF66-0 (JNR color) + EF66 double-unit freight train

Electric wires crossing under the blue sky

Twilight clouds looking up from the apartment area

Evening view of a suburban street corner

Street corner scenery The moon rising over the apartment area

Backlight and cherry blossoms just before flowering

White cherry blossoms peeking out from the retaining wall

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry blossoms

The moon rising through the valley between the soundproof walls and the apartment building

Autumn sunset in New Town

Cherry blossoms on the street corner in April

Autumn sunset in New Town

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms on the street corner in April

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and cherry blossoms

Autumn sunset in New Town

EF66-0 Freight Naha-kaze HM

Twilight clouds looking up from the apartment area

A suburban evening scene

Evening clouds above the soundproof wall

Evening view of the apartment area on the hill

Evening view of the apartment area on the hill

Evening view of the apartment area on the hill

Evening view of the apartment area on the hill

EF66-0 series freight train

A suburban landscape with a view of the bamboo grove and grounds

A surreal street corner with a soundproof wall

Suburban scenery with cherry blossoms

EF66-0 New update Fly ash freight

Twilight clouds looking up from the apartment area

A surreal street corner with soundproof walls and a cloudy sun

EF66 0 series (old updated color) cargo train

A clearing covered with kudzu

Evening view of bedroom town

A surreal street corner with a soundproof wall

A surreal street corner with a soundproof wall

A surreal street corner with a soundproof wall

tree branch overhanging sidewalk

EF66-0 series (old updated color)

A snowy morning on a surreal street corner

EF66 Episode 0 (New Updated Color) Cargo Train

EF66 100th Taiwan cargo

EF66-0 series (new updated color)

Evening view of a suburban street corner

Drive north on Shin-Midosuji near Momoyamadai exit

Building dyed red in the setting sun

EF66 0 series (old updated color) cargo train

EF66-0 series JNR color freight train

EF66 100th Taiwan cargo

Drive north on Shin-Midosuji near Momoyamadai exit
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