Young woman with a stressed expression

Young woman with a stressed expression

Young woman with a stressed expression

Young woman suffering from a hangover

Drooling woman

Businessman holding his head and a spotlight

Depressed man and free space

Businessman holding his head and a spotlight

A man in a suit who is worried and depressed

Businessman holding his head and a spotlight

A businessman who is worried and depressed, holding his head

Businessman holding his head and a spotlight

Businessman holding his head and a spotlight

A man who is worried and depressed

A depressed man holding his head and a spotlight

Businessman holding his head and a spotlight

A man holding his head and a spotlight

A businessman who is worried and depressed, holding his head

A businessman who is worried and depressed, holding his head


Dimly lit room

A room with poor sunlight

Dimly lit room

Worried woman at home

Nishinari, Sanno Market Shopping Street

Angry young business woman

Ah, I feel frustrated and uneasy.

A man looking at a computer and worrying

man with troubled head

Businessman holding his head in the office

Woman depressed


A purse, some coins, and a disappointing drawing doll

A purse, some coins, and a disappointing drawing doll

A purse, some coins, and a disappointing drawing doll

Headache / fever / cold

Trouble with bad customer service

Male loneliness

Woman holding a head

Woman worried in the room

Woman depressed negative

Man holding his head

People suffering from PTSD

Troubled man

Headache / fever / cold

A woman suffering from rough skin with a dresser

Depressed woman (black and white)

Woman thinking

Depressed woman

Gunma Prefecture, Kusatsu Onsen, Yubatake

A doll with the moon on its back, hugging its knees and feeling down

A doll with the moon on its back, hugging its knees and feeling down

A doll with the moon on its back, hugging its knees and feeling down

A doll with the moon on its back, hugging its knees and feeling down

A doll with the moon on its back, hugging its knees and feeling down

A doll with the moon on its back, hugging its knees and feeling down

A drawing doll with the moon behind it at dusk

A drawing doll with the moon behind it at dusk

Woman thinking

Woman holding her head (suit)

Frustrated woman

Worried, man holding his head

Frustrated female

A woman who is stressed by housework

Woman covering the face

Male office worker holding his head

A woman holding her head in the office

Woman depressed negative

Image of a woman disappointed by looking at the contents of her wallet

Hospital and money balance image

Troubled man


worried woman holding her head

Woman holding her head to worry

Man holding his head to worry

A woman who shakes her head

Men worried about money

A troubled middle-aged woman

Young woman feeling depressed and drooping

Female leaning on the sofa

Profile of a man lazing around in a room

Elderly man sitting on a park bench (headache)

Hikikomori man 241229

A stunned man in a room 2412291

Worried man (covering face with hands)

Thought on the grass

Angry man power harassment business

Man monochrome holding his head

Drooling woman

Worried men and women worry

Work failure

Woman holding her head to worry

worried man holding his head

Drooping drawing doll

A woman in trouble

Drooling woman

Yawning man 251112

Man with mouth open 251111

A middle-aged woman worried in the living room
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