Acil düğme




Illness of the heart

SOS Pembesi

Darkness of the heart 2

SOS! Someone help me.


Children's SOS Feelings and Hearts

AED and SOS sign

Help Someone please help me

SOS emergency call

Children's SOS

Kulaklarını tıkayan çocuklar (korkutucu / sert kulaklar / duymak istemiyorum)

Emergency phone sign

Emergency telephone information board inside the tunnel

Emergency telephone information board inside the tunnel

Public telephones lined up

Child with crying expression

A person with a SOS heart

Child holding his head (headache/scared)

Child sitting and crying

Nurse call button (for staff)

Nurse call button

Nurse call button

Child covering his ears (scared/doesn't want to hear)

Public phone

Reaching out to frightened children (abuse prevention)


Help people in need

Kulaklarını tıkayan çocuklar (korkutucu / sert kulaklar / duymak istemiyorum)

Life and heart to save

SOS on the phone

Ask for SOS / help on your smartphone

Call for help

If you have any concerns, please consult us!

Those in need of help

Stretched hands and wrapping hands

Put up a sign saying "in trouble"

People who get on the train / subway

Elderly woman covering her face


Woman to stop

sos image

Image of SOS (letter / alphabet text)


Children's SOS

SOS SOS Help study image material

Insomnia 3

Broken heart

despair woman despair


Helping Hands and Helping Hands

Smartphone and the word HELP

★SOS! (background kraft paper)

A man who responds to a free consultation

Inside the train

A woman is holding a speech bubble with the word SOS written on it

vague anxiety

Depressed female office worker business

A woman who works with a baby (in trouble)

you are

SOS ambulance


office worker holding his head

Image 2 of two hands holding pink florets

Business photo of a woman looking down

Insomnia 1

Sad feelings

Call an ambulance with your smartphone SOS

A working woman who is worried about depression

Help / help / help

Help help image



Free consultation

I don't understand, someone please help me.

Help HELP Help me image material

help! help!

Send SOS, please help someone Word image material

School refusal, bullying, crying children

Consultation letters and notes Consult your troubles

Inside the train

The real me, lonely silhouette

Security buzzer (white background)

Image of consultation (blue)


Girl holding a teddy bear

depressed office worker business

A worried woman holding a smartphone business

Business worries while holding a smartphone

Inside the train

Office worker holding his head

A wooden block labeled SOS

Inside the train

Inside the train

It's an emergency Image material Pointing

Stray cat
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