Takatenjin Castle Ruins, Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture

2022 Hirosaki Cherry Blossom

archery field matoba hit

Matoba target and arrow

Archery field Matoba

five targets

Hiroshima city river and cityscape

Hiroshima Electric Railway 700 series train stopped at Matobacho stop

Hiroshima Electric Railway 700 series train stopped at Matobacho stop

Kyudo hall production

弓道場の工事現場 的場製作

Kawagoe Matoba Be careful of jumping out, sunny version

Kawagoe Matoba Station Snow Version

Matobacho Station

Matoba Station, which has more comings and goings than it looks

Kyudo hall construction site Matoba production

Kyudo hall construction site Matoba production

Kyudo hall construction site Matoba production

Kyudo hall construction site Matoba production

Hiroshima Electric Railway 700 series train from Matobacho stop to Kojinbashi

Burning Kawagoe Line 1

Earth filling work

Kawagoe Line 2

Hiroshima Electric Railway 800 series train stopped at Matobacho stop

Hiroshima Enko River Kojin Bridge

Haze swaying railroad crossing 1

Hiroshima Enko River Kojin Bridge

Haze swaying railroad crossing 2

Scenery of Hijiyama Street in front of Hiroshima Station

Enkoubashi and Kojinbashi bridges seen from Ekimae Ohashi Bridge, Hiroshima

Hiroshima Electric Railway 5100 series train heading to Matobacho stop

Hiroshima Electric Railway 700 series train heading to Matobacho stop

Hiroshima Enko River Kojin Bridge
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