Public tables and benches

Public rest area

Public tables and benches

Bamboo Christmas tree at Katsuyama Park

Mojiko Retro

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Fallen leaves and umbrella decorations

Kokura Castle in late autumn

Ginkgo trees at Kokura Castle

Autumn leaves at Kokura Castle

Kokura Castle in late autumn

Ginkgo trees at Kokura Castle

Kokura Castle in autumn colors

Kokura Station

Kokura Castle in Autumn

Kokura Castle in late autumn

Ginkgo trees at Kokura Castle

Kokura Castle in late autumn

Japanese silverleaf and Japanese-style chair

Drain under the bridge

Christmas tree through the ticket barrier

Mojiko Retro

The coming of autumn

First Torii Gate of Yasaka Shrine in Kokura

Sarutahiko Shrine at Yasaka Shrine in Kokura

The remains of the north gate of Yasaka Shrine in Kokura

Interior of Taisho-cho Shopping Street

The exterior of Taisho-cho Shopping Street and Ebisu Market

The exterior of Taisho-cho Shopping Street and Ebisu Market

Kitakyushu Kawachi Wisteria

Around Kyushu Institute of Technology Station at night

Around Kyushu Institute of Technology Station at night

Around Kyushu Institute of Technology Station at night

A beautiful night view from the observatory

Around Kyushu Institute of Technology Station at night

Riverwalk Kitakyushu (wide angle from the north side)

Kitakyushu Monorail

415 series Sanyo Main Line Kokura Station

Oğura kalesi

Tobata Station platform

Ferris wheel at a commercial facility

Hiraodai open burning (afternoon)

Goodbye Space World

Mt. Sarakura Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Kanmon Bridge Seen from Kitakyushu City

Mojiko Port on a cloudy day

View of Hiraodai (Mikasadai)

View of Hiraodai (Mikasadai)

Cherry blossoms at Kougasaki Park

Magnificent underground palace Senbutsu Stalactite Cave

Cherry blossoms at night at Kokura Castle

Kanmon Strait Fireworks Festival (Moji venue)

Townscape surrounding Wakato Bridge from Takatoyama Observatory

Kanmon Strait Fireworks Festival (Moji venue)

Kanmon Strait Fireworks Festival (Moji venue)

Mojiko Station at night

Mojiko Station at night

Rice Wall

Overgrown grass

Sunset at Genkai Sea, Fukuoka Prefecture

Ogura Station Kokura Castle


Arrival of Autumn

Kawachi Fuji Garden in Autumn

Footsteps of Autumn

Autumn leaf viewing season

Autumn sky in full bloom

Sky and ginkgo

Season of change

Shimonoseki ve Moji'nin Sahne Alanı

Night view of the Kanmon Bridge from Hinoyama Park Observatory

Kanmon Bridge as seen from Hinoyama Park Observatory

Blue sky and clouds

Kokura station building

Wind power and mega solar panels

Kitakyushu art fireworks

Magnificent underground palace Senbutsu Stalactite Cave

Kitakyushu city night view

Mojiko Retro Kitakyushu Old Moji Customs House in Fukuoka Prefecture

Sunset and lights

Autumn Walk

Yawata Works Kitakyushu City

Beautiful sunset from Mt. Sarakura and cityscape (Fukuoka)

Mt. Sarakura Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Mojiko Retro District International Friendship Memorial Library Tourist Destination

Greenhouse at Hibikinada Green Space

Ginkgo tree and bench

Ginkgo Tree Line

Ginkgo trees at Kawachi Fuji Garden

Ginkgo tree and bench

Autumn bench
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