Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Rocks overlooking the sea and flying birds

Flying Black Kite

Flying Black Kite

Engetsuto and Black Kite

Close-up of Tobi's face

Black kite standing on the embankment

Black kite standing on the embankment

Black kite standing on the embankment

Black Kite

Black Kite

Black Kite









Black Kite in Flight

Black Kite in Flight

Black kite grooming itself on an elevated railway line

A black kite perched on an antenna

Take aim

A black kite flying in the blue sky

A black kite flying in the blue sky

Black kite

Black kite

Close-up of a black kite flying against a clear, cold sky

Black kite

This is a cool photo of a black kite taken at the sea.

Gifu Castle: Castle tower and kite

A black kite perched on a tall tree




Kite 12








Kite 11


Black kite aiming for something

A kite being mobbed by crows

A black kite flying along a cliff

A black kite flying along a cliff

A black kite flying along a cliff

Black kite flying in the blue sky

Two black kites flying in the blue sky

A black kite looking up at the blue sky

Black Kite

Black Kite

Black Kite

Seagulls on the shore and a black kite taking flight



California Rulosu

Flapping Kite

A black kite takes off from the tree

Window cleaning at high places 003 (horizontal position)

Tobi taking off

A black kite perched on a utility pole

A black kite flapping its wings while holding a fish in its mouth

Black Kite

Black Kite flapping its wings

Black kite eating fish

Black Kite Takes Off

Black Kite

A black kite takes off from a utility pole

Black Kite

Black Kite

Black Kite

This is a cool buzzard flying low over the coast.

This is a black kite hunting for prey in the sea.

This is a black kite aiming for prey from the sky.

Scaffolding at construction site

Shonan: Light and Shadow

Mount Fuji as seen from Shonan/Kugenuma Beach

A black kite flying in the sky

Black kite searching for prey

Black Kite

Black Kite

chirashi sushi

Black kite

Black Kite

Black Kite
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