The elegant pink fruit of Mayumi

Mayumi fruit wrapped in soft light

Mayumi tree in spring(?) 03

Mayumi tree in spring(?) 02

Mayumi tree in spring(?) 01

The red and orange colour of the berry is reminiscent of autumn.

Decorate your winter garden

Mayumi fruit blooming in winter

Pale pink Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit in Nogawa Park, the sparkle of light and bokeh

Mayumi fruit 1 (in Yokohama city)

Mayumi fruit

Mayumi with bright red seeds

Mayumi and Japanese White-eye

Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Autumn leaves of trees

Garden moss

Mayumi Branch

Mayumi Tree

It's early winter, but it's warm.

The Mayumi fruits have begun to pop.

Pale pink Mayumi fruit

Persimmon, Japanese white-eye and Mayumi fruit

Persimmon, Japanese white-eye and Mayumi fruit

New Mayumi Fruit

New Mayumi Fruit

Mayumi fruit

Hizen Mayumi fruit


Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Hizenmayumi fruit

Hizen Mayumi fruit

Hizen Mayumi fruit

Hizen Mayumi fruit

Hizenmayumi fruit

Hizen Mayumi fruit

Hizenmayumi fruit

Hizen Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit

Hizenmayumi flower

Hizenmayumi flower

Hizenmayumi flower

Hizenmayumi flower

A close-up of a Mayumi flower from Passiflora

Hizenmayumi flower

Hizenmayumi flower

Autumn in Unzen, White Cloud Pond

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Autumn in Unzen, White Cloud Pond

Autumn in Unzen, White Cloud Pond

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Japanese white-eye on a Mayumi tree

Mayumi's Fruit

Mayumi (Autumn)

Mayumi (Autumn)


Mayumi fruit

Mayumi red fruit

Mayumi flowers and blue sky

Mayumi tree (Mayumi Hoki)


Mayumi (Autumn)


Mayumi's arborescens

Mayumi fruit

The bright red fruit of Mayumi is impressive.



Mayumi Niwaki ⑤

Mayumi fruit so big that the branches are bending

Mayumi fruit

Mayumi fruit hanging from a branch

White Mayumi

Scenery with Mayumi

Scenery with Mayumi

Mayumi no Mi

Mayumi (Autumn)

Cute Mayumi fruit

Interesting Mayumi Fruit

Cute Mayumi

Beautiful Mayumi

Red Mayumi fruit

Interesting Fruit

Mayumi with seeds popping out

Mayumi fruit
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