Autumn leaves temple

Intimidating statue of Nio in front of the gate

Intimidating statue of Nio in front of the gate

Intimidating statue of Nio in front of the gate

Nio statue set up at a temple shrine

Nio statue set up at a temple shrine

Kannon statue in the precincts exposed to the sun

Autumn leaves and five-storied pagoda of Yoshimi Kannon

A temple in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

A temple in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

A temple in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

A stone lantern in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

A temple in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

A temple in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

A temple in the precincts that is exposed to the sun

Autumn leaves and five-storied pagoda

Autumn leaves and five-storied pagoda of Yoshimi Kannon

Autumn leaves at the temple

Iwamuro Kannon 1

Iwamuro Kannon 2

Stone Buddha 2

Iwamuro Kannon 4

Iwamuro Kannon 3

Stone Buddha 1

Passing through the womb

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Iwamuro Kannon-do (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Iwamuro Kannon-do (Hiki)

Iwamuro Kannon-do (Hiki)

Iwamuro Kannon-do (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

East gate of Yoshimine-ji Temple in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City in early summer

The main hall of Yoshimine-ji Temple, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto City, during the hydrangea season

Yoshimine Temple, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City, Gomado and Hydrangea in June

The majestic temple gate of Yoshimine-ji Temple in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City in June

The moss-covered approach to Yoshimine-ji Temple in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

The majestic temple gate of Yoshimine-ji Temple in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City in early summer

The approach to Amida-do, Yoshimine-ji Temple, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

Hydrangea season View from Yoshimine-ji Temple, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto

Yoshimine Temple Hakusan Sakura Hydrangea Garden in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

Kyoto city seen from Hakusan Sakura Hydrangea Garden at Yoshimine-ji Temple

The approach to Amida-do Hall in Yoshimine-ji Temple, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

The beautiful approach to the Amida-do Hall of Yoshimine-ji Temple in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

Hakusan Sakura Hydrangea Garden at Yoshimine-ji Temple, Kyoto City in June

Hakusan Sakura Hydrangea Garden at Yoshimine-ji Temple, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

Hakusan Sakura Hydrangea Garden at Yoshimine-ji Temple, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

Approach to Inari Shrine, Yoshimine-ji Temple in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City

Sokushoin (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)

Yoshimi Kannon (Hiki)
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