Takahashi River

Clover and water striders floating on the surface of the water

Clover floating on the surface of the water


River Nina 2 By the way, firefly food

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Firefly light trail

Kawanina 1

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Kawanina and aquatic plants

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Snail moving on a rock 2

Snail lurking in the waterway

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Japanese river snail

Japanese river snail

Japanese river snail

Japanese river snail

Japanese river snail stock photos

The Japanese river snail lives underwater

Kawanina of Kawai Urakawa

A group of snails Kawai Urakawa

Freshwater snail, Kawanina

dried snail shell

Kawanina of Kawai Urakawa

Kawanina of Kawai Urakawa

dried snail shell

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Snail moving on a rock 1

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Rock snails that live in clear streams

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

red rams phone 2

Daseulgi, a delicacy served in Korean restaurants

Torikawa Firefly Village, where Genji fireflies fly around

Torikawa Firefly Village, where Genji fireflies fly around

Torikawa Firefly Village, where Genji fireflies fly around

Torikawa Firefly Village, where Genji fireflies fly around

Torikawa Firefly Village, where Genji fireflies fly around

A creek where fireflies live only by flowing mountain water

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Torikawa Firefly Village where the light of fireflies dances

Kawanina 2

Seseragi Kawanina

Kawanina gathering at the waterfall

Kawanina caught in the net

The surface of the murmuring water 2

Under the bridge

The surface of the murmuring water 3

The surface of the murmuring water 4

Conch climbing a waterfall
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